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Our Specialization is in valuation filed. We deal with hundreds of assignment per year. We have a team of Valuers to guide you property. Since we have Empanelment in CIT and are on Panel of almost all the Banks, we are very much conversant with formats and requirements of various institute.
As we provide all the reports with colour photographs and with detailed analysis and reasoning, it becomes easy for financer as wall as owner to avail finance within stipulated time frame.
As we are Fellow of Institution of Valuers and Life Member of Practicing Valuers Asso. (India) , we are attending many seminars / continuing Education programs.
We have association with renowned valuers of world like Hari Hirani FRICS.
We can provide you world class services.
As I am one of the members of all India level Indian Valuation Standards Committee Management Board, I am part of Standards preparation in National Level.